
Welcome and opening remarks

Ralf Wieland , President of the Berlin House of Representatives

Peter Schaar , Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Germany)

Welcoming speech (will be read)

Keynote speeches

Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier , former President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, University of Munich (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer , former Federal Minister, Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Germany)

Panel 1

Transparency and government action

– Freedom of information as a political task?

Dr. Alexander Dix , Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Sadeka Halim , Information Commissioner (Bangladesh)

Roland Jahn , Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former GDR (Germany)

Suzanne Legault , Information Commissioner (Canada)

Toby Mendel , Centre for Law and Democracy (Canada)

Laura Neuman , Carter Center (United States)

Panel 2

Transparency and the business sector

– will corporate data remain off-limits?

Dr. José Eduardo Romão , Federal Ombudsman (Brazil)

Prof. Maeve McDonagh , University College Cork (Ireland)

Dr. Klaus-Werner Schmitter , Office of the Executive Director for Germany at the World Bank Group

Dr. Cobus de Swardt , Transparency International (South Africa)

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke , Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Germany)

Panel 3

Transparency and privacy

– two sides of the same coin?

Gerardo Felipe Laveaga Rendón , President of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (Mexico)

Mukelani Dimba , Open Democracy Advice Centre (South Africa)

Elisabeth Kotthaus , European Commission

Miriam Nisbet , Director of the Office of Government Information Services (United States)

Aktham Suliman , Journalist (Syrian Arab Republic)

Panel 4

The media and the right to know

– what can it achieve?

Nataša Pirc Musar , Information Commissioner (Slovenia)

Brigitte Alfter , Journalist (Denmark)

Heather Brooke , Journalist (United Kingdom)

Dr. András Jóri , former Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Hungary)

Boris Reitschuster , Journalist (Germany)

Panel 5

Freedom of information on the Internet

– for how much longer?

Christopher Graham , Information Commissioner (United Kingdom)

Dr. Iris Henseler-Unger , Vice President of the Bundesnetzagentur (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Marcel Machill , University of Leipzig (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Christopher T. Marsden , University of Sussex (United Kingdom)

Dr. Ben Scott , Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation in Washington DC (United States)

Panel 6

Open data and open government

– Freedom of information 2.0?

Prof. Dr. Johannes Caspar , Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Germany)

Markus Beckedahl , Founder of the blog netzpolitik.org (Germany)

Dr. Carl-Christian Buhr , European Commission

Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann , University of Passau (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Nigel Shadbolt , University of Southampton, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Open Data Institute (United Kingdom)

Concluding speech

Prof. Dr. Brun-Otto Bryde , former judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, University of Gießen (Germany)

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