At the 10th World Conference of the International Ombudsman Institute several sessions on freedom of information were held. Below you can see a selection of sessions in which FOI topics were discussed. Link to the conference handbook:
Session E
Developments in FOI and Ombudsmanship – Norway & USA
The evolving FOI culture in the U.S Karen Finnegan, Deputy-Director of Government Information Services, US National Archives & Records Administration. Via video
Freedom of information and the Norwegian electronic public records (OEP) Arne Fliflet, Ombudsman, Norway
Chaired by: Colin MacDonald, Chief Executive, Department of Internal Affairs & Government Chief Information Officer, New Zealand
Session H
Complementary or conflicting? Benefits and disadvantages to being both an Ombudsman and an FOI Commissioner
Complimentary or Conflicting The Norwegian Ombudsman’s experience Arne Fliflet, Ombudsman, Norway
Finding the right fit: An Ombudsman and freedom of information Bruce Barbour, Ombudsman, New South Wales, Australia
Contributing Chair: Dr David McGee, Ombudsman, New Zealand
Session K
Introducing & embedding FOI
The struggle without end: Experience from the UK of introducing and sustaining FOI legislation Andrew Ecclestone, Head of FOI Policy Branch, Department of Constitutional Affairs, UK 2001-2003
Introducing FOI in small states with geographical challenges Jeannine Daniel, Assistant Ombudsman, Cook Islands
Implementing the right to Information Act in India: Experiences and challenges Venkatesh Nayak, Coordinator, Access to Information Programme, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, India
Contributing Chair: Introducing FOI into hesitant jurisdictions Associate Professor Rick Snell, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Australia
Plenary session : Day 3
The importance of records, accountability and ‘putting things right’ in an era of austerity
Venue: Main Auditorium, Michael Fowler Centre
Effective information management – the keystone of good Government Professor John McMillan, Australian Information Commissioner. (Commonwealth Ombudsman 2003-2010)
Insights & experiences from investigating complaints about the actions of public authorities and accessing official information Leo Donnelly, Deputy Ombudsman, New Zealand
Good records management and open government: Equal partners Karen Finnegan, Deputy Director, Office of Government Information Services, US National Archives and Records Administration. Via video
Chaired by: William P. Angrick II, Citizens’ Aide/Ombudsman for the State of Iowa, USA, 1978 – 2010. Former President of the IOI, President of the International Ombudsman Institute 2004 – 2010
Session N
Ombudsmen, access to Information and anti-corruption agencies: Links between integrity agencies in delivering good governance and safeguarding taxpayers’ resources
Methods for ensuring sound public administration, raising standards of integrity and preventing corruption Dr Fong Man Chong, Ombudsman, Macau Special Administrative Region and Chair, Commission against Corruption, Macau
The role of the ombudsman in the “open government” century: exploring ways to integrate ombudsmen into the emerging anti-corruption framework Nathaniel Heller, Executive Director, Global Integrity, USA
Contributing Chair: Queensland’s Integrity Network Dr David Solomon, Integrity Commissioner, Queensland, Australia
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